LLC “Kramatorskteploenergo” covers about 80% of the total heating load.

consumers of various categories receive heat from the thermal power plant, including 21 kindergartens, 44 educational institutions, 19 schools and boarding schools and 53 medical institutions.

Owing to quality and conscientious work of the staff, despite the financial challenges due to the introduction of new electricity market and the lack of state support for carrying out reconstruction and modernization of thermal power plants, Kramatorskteploenergo LLC managed to prepare for the new heating season of 2020/2021 in a good manner.

Using the labor of the company repair personnel and the contracting organizations, Kramatorskteploenergo LLC conducted needed repairs of the main production shops equipment. Performed hydraulic tests of the heat supply system proved the networks to be ready for heating season of 2020/2021. During the interheating period the salaries to the company employees as well as all due taxes to the state were paid on time.

Within the scope of preparation to the heating season, in addition to the repairs performed, all the required settlements for the gas consumed with NJSC Naftogaz were made to allow for the authorized natural gas offtake.

In order to get through the heating season of 2020/2021 the division of the company E.Connect Ukraine as of November 16, 2020 has already delivered over 23,000 tons of coal to the Kramatorsk CHP coal yard.

In order to further develop and improve the technical condition of production facilities of Kramatorskteploenergo LLC and within the scope of the contract concluded with the company Czechpol Energy, the feasibility study for the reconstruction of the Kramatorsk thermal power plant was conducted and drawn up.

This reconstruction pursues the following objectives:

  • ensuring uninterrupted and high-quality production of thermal and electric energy;
  • increasing the level of reliability and efficiency of generating and auxiliary equipment;
  • ensuring compliance with the requirements for high-efficiency cogeneration according to the criterion of primary energy saving in accordance with EU Directive 2012/27 of 25.10.2012 on the energy efficiency;
  • reduction of the net cost of thermal and electric energy production due to reduction of specific fuel consumption and replacement of natural gas with cheaper coal, including locally mined coal;
  • ensuring the CHP’s engagement in the electricity market, including via participation in primary and secondary of frequency and power regulation in accordance with the requirements of ENTSO-E and ECO of Ukraine;
  • reduction of harmful emissions level as per the requirements of the Order of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine #62 of 16.02.2018, ensuring the implementation of the national plan on reduction of emissions from large combustion plants.

This feasibility study has already passed a comprehensive state expertise, has been positively evaluated in terms of the assessment of the environmental impact of the targeted CHP plant reconstruction and has been submitted for approval to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. The E.Connect Group of companies is determined to continue investing in Kramatorskteploenergo LLC and to further modernise its equipment to bring the CHP’s production and environmental performance to European standards.